Chuck and Aardvark V.S. the Galaxy
Welcome, fearless denizens of the Galaxy! It's Chuck and Aardvark, AKA your experts on literally everything in the known universe! Each week, we investigate the cosmos to devise new, improbable theories—all fully improvised and unplanned. Is Scooby-doo a robot? Do parallel universes exist? Are pigeons plotting against us? Join us as we build our new and improved UNIFIED GALACTIC THEORY OF EVERYTHING.
Chuck and Aardvark V.S. the Galaxy
2 | The Old Man and the Sea of Applause (Audience Behavior Is Being Secretly Influenced)
Rejoice, denizens, for episode two is upon ye! THIS episode, we take a deep-dive into the niche intersection of sociology and the theatrical arts, attempting to figure out just what nebulous forces are driving our species to put our hands together and make some noise! Join us as we elucidate the machinations of the Caesar assassination, brand development strategy, George Clooney's limited charms, and a possible intergenerational romance sparked at a mediocre production of The Pillowman. Coffee has never BEAN better! | Logo by @NuleTheGoat. Music and audio mixing by @UndreamedPanic. Edited, as always, by Mathaniel. Thanks Mathaniel!