Chuck and Aardvark V.S. the Galaxy

19 | Quoility Cointoint! ("Got Milk?" Is a Military Misinformation Campaign)

Chuck and Aardvark Season 1 Episode 19

Don't it always seem to go? You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone. That's right, denizens, it's our nineteenth ep—the last of our teen years! THIS episode finds us shamelessly slinging our merch by the side of the road as we finally turn our piercing, truth-seeking gazes on that behemoth of American pop culture: milk slogans! In the course of our theorizing, we discuss secret, World War II-era experiments; the merits of dairy alternatives; and just what in the heck the Eagles were on about. Coming for you, Serial Podcast! | Logo by @NuleTheGoat. Music and audio mixing by @UndreamedPanic. Edited, as always, by Mathaniel. | Have some choice remarks for us, your humble hosts? You can email us at!

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