Chuck and Aardvark V.S. the Galaxy
Welcome, fearless denizens of the Galaxy! It's Chuck and Aardvark, AKA your experts on literally everything in the known universe! Each week, we investigate the cosmos to devise new, improbable theories—all fully improvised and unplanned. Is Scooby-doo a robot? Do parallel universes exist? Are pigeons plotting against us? Join us as we build our new and improved UNIFIED GALACTIC THEORY OF EVERYTHING.
Chuck and Aardvark V.S. the Galaxy
15 | Occam’s Famous Razor (Almost Every Working Artist Is J.K. Rowling)
Look out, world: episode fifteen’s here to take names! THIS episode finds us positioned in an abandoned laser tag establishment with an extremely puzzling backstory. After Ari takes an earth-shattering phone call, we turn our powers of deduction to one of life’s most pressing current issues: what the heck is going on with J.K. Rowling? In the course of our investigation, we illuminate hard truths about big wizard energy, the heroic revolution of James Cameron, and the great lie of literary diversity. The lasers—the terrible terrible lasers! | Logo by @NuleTheGoat. Music and audio mixing by @UndreamedPanic. Edited, as always, by Mathaniel. | Have some choice remarks for us, your humble hosts? You can email us at! | Patreon: