Chuck and Aardvark V.S. the Galaxy
Welcome, fearless denizens of the Galaxy! It's Chuck and Aardvark, AKA your experts on literally everything in the known universe! Each week, we investigate the cosmos to devise new, improbable theories—all fully improvised and unplanned. Is Scooby-doo a robot? Do parallel universes exist? Are pigeons plotting against us? Join us as we build our new and improved UNIFIED GALACTIC THEORY OF EVERYTHING.
Chuck and Aardvark V.S. the Galaxy
12 | Marco, Frodo! (Weather Is Malevolent)
CLANG! The clock strikes midnight as we reach our groundbreaking twelfth episode! On THIS episode, we unpack our first-ever meet-up of all the fearless denizens of the Galaxy, which occurred this past weekend at Charlie's food truck built on the rubble of the burned down Target in the middle of a Louisiana swamp. Obviously most of you were there, and we are SO sorry about what happened. Then, we decrypt a mysterious apparition who appeared before us, and in so doing, happen upon a theory about weather forecasters, the Industrial Revolution, and the Grand Master Himself, our main man M. Night! Wait a second...does it smell like lawyer in here? | Logo by @NuleTheGoat. Music and audio mixing by @UndreamedPanic. Edited, as always, by Mathaniel. Thanks Mathaniel! | Have some choice remarks for us, your humble hosts? You can email us at chuckandaardvark@gmail.com! | Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/chuckandaardvark