Chuck and Aardvark V.S. the Galaxy

12 | Marco, Frodo! (Weather Is Malevolent)

Chuck and Aardvark Season 1 Episode 12

CLANG! The clock strikes midnight as we reach our groundbreaking twelfth episode! On THIS episode, we unpack our first-ever meet-up of all the fearless denizens of the Galaxy, which occurred this past weekend at Charlie's food truck built on the rubble of the burned down Target in the middle of a Louisiana swamp. Obviously most of you were there, and we are SO sorry about what happened. Then, we decrypt a mysterious apparition who appeared before us, and in so doing, happen upon a theory about weather forecasters, the Industrial Revolution, and the Grand Master Himself, our main man M. Night! Wait a second...does it smell like lawyer in here? | Logo by @NuleTheGoat. Music and audio mixing by @UndreamedPanic. Edited, as always, by Mathaniel. Thanks Mathaniel! | Have some choice remarks for us, your humble hosts? You can email us at! | Patreon:

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